benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly…鸠昱隆嘉

i had discussed it with ur support in email. but didn’t see any changes. i never tried yahoo groups, but i had many activities on google groups.

Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterzreply-count Replies.

some of the page, honorable links, posted for some time and missing some of my new claimed sites link, and even worse, the more links in the page wrongly linked and can’t reach its destiny. so this afternoon i updated the page with all my family site’s links and fine tuned its layout, and last but not least, re-post it onto most of my family google groups, some more serious google groups, like my home town and my college, i made it available as a file on the site, not in a page that can be view directly in site.
now i felt easier to know that anyone interest in my advocacy can find me and join the universal force to arrive a brighter future, in China or outside of China.
a sample page of this complement can be found at…able-links , and in file at…fhonor.htm
its a nice afternoon, with milk sunshine outside of the window. with its warm tune, i felt the plenty of the world.

for unfamiliar with utterz new interface, this post didn’t auto-post to my mail blogs, so here re-post it.

Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterzreply-count Replies.

some of the page, honorable links, posted for some time and missing some of my new claimed sites link, and even worse, the more links in the page wrongly linked and can’t reach its destiny. so this afternoon i updated the page with all my family site’s links and fine tuned its layout, and last but not least, re-post it onto most of my family google groups, some more serious google groups, like my home town and my college, i made it available as a file on the site, not in a page that can be view directly in site.
now i felt easier to know that anyone interest in my advocacy can find me and join the universal force to arrive a brighter future, in China or outside of China.
a sample page of this complement can be found at…able-links , and in file at…fhonor.htm
its a nice afternoon, with milk sunshine outside of the window. with its warm tune, i felt the plenty of the world.

for unfamiliar with utterz new interface, this post didn’t auto-post to my mail blogs, so here re-post it.

Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterzreply-count Replies.

{August 26, 2008}   bookmarks daily 08/26/2008

{August 23, 2008}   baby in golden mid autumn


it has been weeks after baby returned from his Beijing journey with his grandma. he was sound on the day he returned, which let me relieved. last night the kindergarten teacher, a woman in family name Liu, visited our home and urged he to return to the kindergarten. baby admitted to return to kindergarten several days ago. these days he average hanged outside twice. last dusk, ema accompanied him in South Garden and i also went to see him. there is already an ugly old woman with her 6 years old grandson. the woman attempted to cover baby with her rubbish utters. i guarded baby who playing on the elastic bed with the boy and had to defend against the ill willed woman till baby left the bed to sliding board. after we arriving home, baby turned irritated and cried sometimes.
this afternoon we haunted there again. these time some grandpas there. i shot some photos of baby. later we haunted a islamic restaurant, for its the cheapest meal if u want meat. ema left for attending a party but soon returned for don’t know the location of the party. we ate beef pies. i shot some other pictures there.
its a nice autumn. baby intact in any perished environment. God knows.

Mobile post sent by benzillar using Utterzreply-count Replies.

{August 22, 2008}   bookmarks daily 08/22/2008

Chatter with home town folk now works in Shenzhen, southern China

benzrad 11:08:05 昨天google朱大九看见你的名列朱大九石材厂副厂长,厂长姓孙。
朱才学 11:09:11 不对吧
benzrad 11:09:39 建筑材料网站上也有你的名录,你建论坛或网站了吗?
朱才学 11:09:42 那个是我前几年,在阿里巴巴里搞的一个网站
朱才学 11:10:02 网店
朱才学 11:10:10 现在没搞啦
benzrad 11:11:21 马云现在很牛啊,还爱吹。
benzrad 11:11:38

benzrad 11:13:07 这边天开始凉了,今天阴天夹雨。
benzrad 11:14:06 昨天刚买一个8gApacer u盘,量产成usb光驱,挺爽,只是家里机器不支持usb启动。
朱才学 11:14:59 我这里今天有台风,风雨交加
benzrad 11:15:31 单位一个月前普涨工资,现在1195元。
benzrad 11:16:00 在你那儿这个工资没法活吧?!
朱才学 11:17:13 工资多少,不是和很重要哦,工作开心就行,
朱才学 11:17:36 主要是要热爱你的工作
朱才学 11:17:56 我就是,我自己做事,有时还要赔本的哦
朱才学 11:18:34 深圳的工资是要高一些,但也要看做什么工作啦

benzrad 11:18:51 中国新闻封锁严重,bbs发达,坛子人群,外国个人自由,所以开放的个人网站多。我觉得有这个差别。有能力的做个人品牌,我现在就是这样。网上已经提供大部分做个人品牌的工具。
benzrad 11:21:36 我好几年前也泡坛子,很热衷的,可以说在我单位是最早的一批。现在我几乎不泡论坛,而且论坛为了提升自己,纷纷开放给搜索引擎网站,像百度和google。要想有影响,就得贡献知识库,互联网都是这个规则。
benzrad 11:25:19 我现在专注自己的网上品牌。我家网站 ,我整体忙的就是这个。我认为,我的经历是正常的发展。要说论坛交流,现在有些允许个人品牌的网站也提供论坛。像google,facebook等。在个人品牌网站里加入论坛要素根本不是难事。我觉得中国的bbs热必然会被博客等个人品牌的网站替代。
朱才学 11:26:20 我先看看你的站点
benzrad 11:28:04 bbs的另外的替代就是社交网络,现在正火的那个。国外有facebook,myspace,国内有xiaonei等。
朱才学 11:29:30 你现在的网站能不能给你带来收益
benzrad 11:29:31 bbs主要特点是封闭人群,特权等级,这些都不是我所喜欢的。我相信开发的网络必是笑到最后的。
朱才学 11:30:13 我看你也做了广告是,GOOGLE的吧
benzrad 11:30:33 不能带来收益。但是非赢利机构都是不以营利为目的的。流量大的话能加广告挣钱。
benzrad 11:31:23 google的结果不包含利益因素。

朱才学 11:32:37 你每天都是在思考这些问题吗?
benzrad 11:33:02 可能
朱才学 11:35:19 我和你不一样,我都是在做,而不是停在那里思考
朱才学 11:35:58 你思考这些,对你工作有很有帮助吗?
朱才学 11:36:15 还是你一直地在寻找什么
朱才学 11:36:20 不明白
benzrad 11:37:00 知行是一体的,看了做,做了看,了解自己的处境。
朱才学 11:37:10 你的思考让我感到你是一个不安分的人
朱才学 11:37:53 还是你一直地在寻找什么
朱才学 11:37:54 还是你一直地在寻找什么

benzrad 11:39:05 我一直在寻找我能做什么。
benzrad 11:40:40 我一直询问我为什么是现在这样。
朱才学 11:42:38 对,你不应该是这样的
benzrad 11:43:00 我一直询问为什么我要的没有得到。
朱才学 11:45:04 你想要什么
benzrad 11:46:53 我一直讯问为什么蔚蓝的天空和开阔的大地日益灰暗和凋敝。中国的理想几十年间烟消云散。
朱才学 11:49:27 你的思想里不要有这里边么多负面的东西也许对你的生活会好一点,一个人的力量太小啦,先让自己站起来,然后帮别人站起来就好啦,
benzrad 11:50:40 我一直询问大背山上的青石为什么不再苍遒,古老的传统不再蕴含和养育。
benzrad 11:53:12 硬朗嘹亮的前途迷失彷徨,蝇头之辈呜呜炫炫。
朱才学 11:54:48 这个社会就是这样,我们应该去理解它,

benzrad 11:55:05 你去吃饭吧,我刚在办公桌边吃完。我写了不少,觉得不错,想剪辑发布到我的博客。你有什么保留意见吗?要求匿名吗?
朱才学 11:57:39 关于你的问题我觉得你应该从你的专业出发点去思考
朱才学 11:58:34 去开一公司专业公司吧,然后照你想法去做
朱才学 11:58:39 一定能成功
benzrad 12:00:20 我现在经营我的网站就是经营我的互联网企业。我在我的网站链接上一直称be21zh.org叫做my corp. 。
朱才学 12:00:46 我要走啦,
朱才学 12:00:48 8
benzrad 12:00:55 bye。

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the uncle of my baby, stayed in ema’s house for  his study in junior middle school in the last year, due to visit his home in Beijing. so the grandma brought my baby son with the uncle left for Beijing on July 1st. the grandma has a large family, and quite some of them live in Beijing, mainly doing business of selling pump. we urged baby visit us online but he indeed seldom talked with us in the last month. the grandma likely brought baby visiting some places in Beijing. they lingered there after the 2008 Beijing Olympic game. the families there said attended 2 games there. today they returned. what disappointed me is that they didn’t shoot much photos of baby, which underwent growth in the month we absent. here r the photos shot in the journey, only a single photo baby was left alone.

this morning i left office just after 11 am, in the aim to receive baby returning via train. but the route due to arrive on 1 pm. so ema and i retreated home and i tried to fix the ill working mouse. around 12:30 we launched again. we bought ticket to enter the railway station and received baby and his companions just aside the wagon. baby seemingly sound and in high spirit. he ride on my shoulders as usual to leave the station, till we reached a restaurant, with lots of baggage. i ordered 3 dishes and a soup. baby asked to change a restaurant but his mother managed to calm him down. we headed again to ema’s house, where we played with baby while the grandma soon went to public bathroom and the uncle watched tv on Olympic game. later i left to computer market to buy a new mouse. on the way home i bought some cookies for baby and he accepted them gladly. then i powered pc and baby asked to watch movie “assembly” again. before dinner he asked to haunt outside and cried for his mom trying to refuse him. we hanged near the stadium where lots of young men gaming there. baby played with sands and we all enjoyed the peace. on the way home i bought a water melon. we drank a bottle of bear at dinner.

that’s our happy day on baby’s return. its a sunny day after cloudy days, even sometimes drizzled yesterday. can’t be more perfect today.

the damned blog ware hanged in the mid of spell check. i had to retype all again. shit.

baby in Beijing with his grandma

{August 9, 2008}   a dawn rain
last night i watched Beijing 2008 Olympic game open ceremony while let pc downloading. the ceremony quite boring and ema soon rest herself on bed. i also busy with sorting stuff newly got from the web. its a hot night. after i finished operation on pc, i also slept even the world teams marching into the nest stadium. this morning i felt sleepy, even after a late sleep till 9 am. i let pc download and i dozed on the bed. its a boring morning, esp. when i waiting for the downloading to finish. ema hanged outside after her students left. i wrote a blog here for the auspicious rain in the dawn.
when i dozed in the morning, i dreamed of baby. i cared him in the dream and when i played with him, i hurt him by let his right arm disjoint. i brought him to see the doctor in my home town. baby’s arm soon fix and a beggar aside steal some food from my pocket. that’s all right. recently i frequent recalled the moment i crazily brave to play with baby and let him in risky situations, like one time i clung his arms to let him hang outside of the window of ema’s house which on 7th floor, baby at that moment disagree with me and i soon hold him indoor. in such moments, i just want to show my baby to be fearless. i felt so sorry to him. with the open ceremony of the Olympic game passed, i look forward to our reunite more eager. i love him more than any words i can utter.

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{August 8, 2008}   real summer days
it has been more than a month since the grandma brought my baby to visit her Beijing relatives, and said after the open ceremony of 2008 Olympic game the grandma will return Qiqihar with my baby. i hated the grandma, for lingering in Beijing so long and let my baby’s growth evade his parents’ appreciate. sometimes i felt quite worry about putting my baby in a profane environment like the Beijing relatives’home, but God let me let it go. last night my baby appeared via online video chat, and he really in high mood as usual. i prepared a lot of games on dvd or on hard disk of my home pc, all awaiting baby’s return. i love him just like i love God.
these days like real summer day in my home town, hot and sultry, except yesterday a cloudy day. i love summer, for its brilliant sunshine, which the only mean to drive dark and shadow and cold. the universe we known all concerning light, just as stated in bible, only God can appreciated other means out of light, or knowledge, or birth of our universe. God is the possible and impossible.
these day i usually busy in office. google offered so many breathtaking new service that i can’t not to break my neck to catch up with them. i adding brick with brick onto my site and fine tuned it,let my cyberspace presence more apparent and dominant. i prepared all my space to accept people around the globe to elaborate the wonder of life and the task of China democracy under the Royal. i know it took time to see the torrent join into river and i m ready.
the 2008 summer Olympic game in Beijing will open in tonight. i m much indifferent about it. the whole nation summoned for the battle of the dictating party, under a single squad dictator, for his evil demonstration that no matter how evil as he can, he can party with world leaders from world democracy. the squad dictator tried all means and all times to rule mercilessly on pressing to its ultimate of the suffering of Chinese and China to seduce and despise world consensus and response ability. that’s right, any dog has its day to bark, as well as the day it down.
bye. that’s my life these days. i look forward more engagement among group discuss, and wilder joy with google’s more and more powerful common people’s tool for richer online content and voice.

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et cetera